ILLUSTRATION SUPERVISOR (2013 - 2018), EXCAVATION SUPERVISOR (2005 - 2012). Pompeii Archaeological Research Project: Porta Stabia (PARP:PS). Research excavation directed by Dr. Steven J. R. Ellis, University of Cincinnati

RESEARCH ASSISTANT, Pompeii Artifact Life History Project (PALHIP). Research project directed by J. Theodore Pena, University of California - Berkeley. 2013-2015.

FIELD TECHNICIAN, Social, Spatial, and Bioarchaeological Histories of Ancient Oman. Research project directed by Dr. Kimberly Williams, Temple University. 2011-2012.

ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR OF ARTIFACTS, University of Bradford (UK) excavations in Pompeii, Italy. 2004.


Allison Emmerson, PhD. Life and Death in the Roman Suburb. Technical illustrator and cartographer. Oxford University Press, 2020.

David ben-Shlomo and Gus W. VanBeek, eds. The Smithsonian Excavations at Tell Jemmeh, Israel, 1970 - 1990. Technical illustrator. Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology No. 50, Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2014


Gina Tibbott and Neel Krishnan. “Solar Power Collection System and Method Thereof.” U.S. Patent Publication No. US-2019-0293056-A1, published 09/26/2019

Caroline Cheung and Gina Tibbott. “The Dolia of Regio I, Insula 22: Evidence for the production and repair of dolia.” Proceedings from Fecisti Cretaria: Produzione e circolazione ceramic a Pompei: State degli studi e prospettive di ricerca, Pompeii, Italy, June 17 - 18 2016. Published by the Soprintendenza di Pompei, Pompei Italy, 2017

Steven J. R. Ellis, Allison L. C. Emmerson, Amanda K. Pavlick, Gina Tibbott, and Kevin Dicus. “ The 2012 Field Season at I.1-10, Pompeii: Preliminary report on the excavations.” FASTI Online Documents & Research, 2015

Steven J. R. Ellis, Allison L. C. Emmerson, Amanda K. Pavlick, Gina Tibbott, and Kevin Dicus. “ The 2011 Field Season at I.1-10, Pompeii: Preliminary report on the excavations.” FASTI Online Documents & Research, 2012


The Archaeological Institute of America Best Poster Award, awarded to Caroline Cheung and Gina Tibbott for ‘The Dolia of Regio I, Insula 22’ at the AIA/SCS Annual Meeting, Toronto, January 2017

The Etruscan Foundation Fellowship, funding a season of fieldwork in Pompeii, Italy, 2003


The Art of Water III, James May Gallery, Algoma, WI, May 2019

Excavations/Sanctuary, curated by Alex Ebstein, Mantle Art Space, San Antonio TX, April 2019

Small Favors, The Clay Studio, Philadelphia, April 2019

In House, Greenwich House Pottery, NYC, November 2018

12th Annual Simple Cup Show, KOBO Seattle, November 2018

The Souvenir Show (Part of NCECA concurrent exhibitions), curated by Joanie Turbek, Art Star Philadelphia, March 2010

Tibbott Family Pet Burial Recovery Project, solo exhibition, Project 4 Gallery, Washington DC, July 2008

Coincide: A Flux Studios Invitational, Art-o-matic, Capitol Plaza I, Washington DC, June 2008

Naughty Pots, Cross MacKenzie Ceramic Arts, Washington DC, March 2008

Repeatable Wall Patterns, curated by Gary Kachadourian, Area 405, Baltimore MD, 2007

Self-Portrait as a Vagabond, Vagabond Boutique, Philadelphia PA, 2007

Re-enactments, curated by Gary Kachadourian, Current Gallery, Baltimore MD, 2007

Specimen, Project 4 Gallery, Washington DC, 2007

Recent Work, curated by Anne Ellegood and Kristen Hileman, Dimock Gallery, GWU, Washington DC 2007

Group Show, Cubicle 10, Baltimore, MD, 2005